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Guerilla Girls is the first national non-profit festival for moving images featuring contemporary Norwegian female artists. The three day festival explores Norway's female art scene today with an emphasize on the female gaze. In what way does the art scene and film industry reflect female consciousness today? How do Norwegian women digests feminism and how do they self-identify when constructing art, particularly in film? Guerilla Girls aims to create a free, non-competitive space for women to come together and share their experiences as working artists. It will work to foster relationships within the artist community, while questioning the boundaries created by gender.
The festival takes place in K4, a small non-profit video art gallery in Oslo, Grunerløkka, the 9-11 th. of June 2017. Guerilla Girls is an ongoing consciousness and dialogue curated by feminist artist and gallerist Jenny Marie Hviding Schjerven.
Pictures from this event, taken by Maria Gossé.
Friday 9th of June.
The gallery opens 20.00, the movies start at 20.05 and the program goes in a loop until 23.00.
The following contributors that day is:
Aurora Gossé - Echo, 03.49 min.
Kristine Øksendal - Sonate, 6:22 min.
Liv Mari Mortensen - 66,5 kvinner, 5. min.
Madelen Isa Landgren - Methamorphis, 4.20 Min.
Maria Gossè - @FitnessSophiee, 04.53. Min
Jóhanna Ellen - Just The Two Of Us, 3:58 min.
Iselin Lindstad Hauge - The Foreigness Of Her 4:01 min
Julie Anett Spangebu - Regarding Silence, 3:11
Elina Waage Mikalsen - Abjectify, 3 min
Anastasia Isachsen - Lament, 4.25
Ingrid Kristensen Bjørnaali - Autokorrekt, 5.min.
Linnea Syversen - Før natten kommer, 1.27 min.
Cecilia Riis Kjeldsen - KVAV- Holes in me, 4.05 min
Vilde Rolfsen - Angelic Blue, 3 min
Mira Wickman - Dolce, 3 min
Lesia Vasylchenko - Blue Waterfall, 2.20 min
Julia Lindstrøm - Grab Them By The Balls, 7.35 min
Saturday 10th of June.
The gallery opens at 15.00, the movies start 15.05 and the program goes in a loop until 23.00
The following contributors that day is:
Ina Therese Lerner Grevstad - Camping with ada, 14:49 min
Christine Malnes Mathiesen - Push, 7.37 min
Andrea Sand Gustavson - I am so lucky to be me, 12. Min
Jannicke Låker - 9 1/2 min, 09.43 min
Yamile Calderon - El maestro Guiseppe Meazza, 25 min
Anna LeIjonhIelm - Beethoven Symphony Remix, 12 min
Siri Bråtveit - Ponytales, 15. min
Yennie Lee - Explosions of the heart, 17 min
Sunday 11th of June.
The gallery opens at 15.00, the movies start 15.05 and the program goes in a loop until 23.00
The following contributors that day is:
Matilda Höög - Rep, 16.03 min
Elise Adamsrod - 22 min.
Helene Sommer - Great Piece of Turf, 25.min
Thyra Dragseth og Marthe Thu - Avlat, 11.17 min
Kaja Leijon - Between girls, 9. min
Andrea Haugerud Hovik - Four Moons, One sun, 14.53 min
ANASTASIA ISACHSEN www.anastasiaisachsen.com
ANDREA HAUGERUD HOVIK www.andreaspirea.com
ANDREA SAND GUSTAVSON https://vimeo.com/user4509370
AURORA GOSSÉ https://vimeo.com/auroragosse
ANNA LEIJONHIELM https://vimeo.com/198396411
CECILIA RIIS KJELDSEN www.ceciliariis.com
CHRISTINE MALNES MATHIESEN http://christinemalnes.no/
ELINA WAAGE MIKALSEN https://vimeo.com/elinawaage
ELISE ADAMSROD www.eliseadamsrod.com
HELENE SOMMER www.helenesommer.net
INGRID KRISTENSEN BJØRNAALI http://ingridkbjornaali.com/
INA TERESE LERNER GREVSTAD www.inalernergrevstad.com/
ISELIN LINDSTAD HAUGE http://iselinlinstadhauge.com/
JANNICKE LÅKER http://www.jannickelaker.com/
JULIA LINDSTRØM https://vimeo.com/julialindstrom
JóHANNA ELLEN https://www.johannaellen.com/
JULIE ANETT SPANGEBU https://vimeo.com/julieanetts
JANNICKE LÅKER www.jannickelaker.com
KAJA LEIJON http://www.kajaleijon.com/
KRISTINE ØKSENDAL http://www.kristineoeksendal.com/
LESIA VASYLCHENKO https://vimeo.com/user16303348/videos
LIV MARI MORTENSEN http://livmarimortensen.com/
LINNEA SYVERSEN https://vimeo.com/user8292570
MARIA GOSSÉ http://www.mariagosse.com/
MATILDA HööG http://matildahoog.com/start/
MIRA WICKMAN www.mirawickman.com
MADELEN ISA LANDGREN http://cargocollective.com/madelenisalindgren
MARTHE THU http://marthethu.no/
SIRI BRÅTVEIT www.vimeo.com/user40715061
THYRA DRAGSETH http://thyradragseth.com/
VILDE ROLFSEN http://vilderolfsen.com/
YENNIE LEE www.yennifilm.com
YAMILE CALDERON http://www.yamilecalderon.com/
Guerilla Girls is the first national non-profit festival for moving images featuring contemporary Norwegian female artists. The three day festival explores Norway's female art scene today with an emphasize on the female gaze. In what way does the art scene and film industry reflect female consciousness today? How do Norwegian women digests feminism and how do they self-identify when constructing art, particularly in film? Guerilla Girls aims to create a free, non-competitive space for women to come together and share their experiences as working artists. It will work to foster relationships within the artist community, while questioning the boundaries created by gender.
The festival takes place in K4, a small non-profit video art gallery in Oslo, Grunerløkka, the 9-11 th. of June 2017. Guerilla Girls is an ongoing consciousness and dialogue curated by feminist artist and gallerist Jenny Marie Hviding Schjerven.
Pictures from this event, taken by Maria Gossé.
Friday 9th of June.
The gallery opens 20.00, the movies start at 20.05 and the program goes in a loop until 23.00.
The following contributors that day is:
Aurora Gossé - Echo, 03.49 min.
Kristine Øksendal - Sonate, 6:22 min.
Liv Mari Mortensen - 66,5 kvinner, 5. min.
Madelen Isa Landgren - Methamorphis, 4.20 Min.
Maria Gossè - @FitnessSophiee, 04.53. Min
Jóhanna Ellen - Just The Two Of Us, 3:58 min.
Iselin Lindstad Hauge - The Foreigness Of Her 4:01 min
Julie Anett Spangebu - Regarding Silence, 3:11
Elina Waage Mikalsen - Abjectify, 3 min
Anastasia Isachsen - Lament, 4.25
Ingrid Kristensen Bjørnaali - Autokorrekt, 5.min.
Linnea Syversen - Før natten kommer, 1.27 min.
Cecilia Riis Kjeldsen - KVAV- Holes in me, 4.05 min
Vilde Rolfsen - Angelic Blue, 3 min
Mira Wickman - Dolce, 3 min
Lesia Vasylchenko - Blue Waterfall, 2.20 min
Julia Lindstrøm - Grab Them By The Balls, 7.35 min
Saturday 10th of June.
The gallery opens at 15.00, the movies start 15.05 and the program goes in a loop until 23.00
The following contributors that day is:
Ina Therese Lerner Grevstad - Camping with ada, 14:49 min
Christine Malnes Mathiesen - Push, 7.37 min
Andrea Sand Gustavson - I am so lucky to be me, 12. Min
Jannicke Låker - 9 1/2 min, 09.43 min
Yamile Calderon - El maestro Guiseppe Meazza, 25 min
Anna LeIjonhIelm - Beethoven Symphony Remix, 12 min
Siri Bråtveit - Ponytales, 15. min
Yennie Lee - Explosions of the heart, 17 min
Sunday 11th of June.
The gallery opens at 15.00, the movies start 15.05 and the program goes in a loop until 23.00
The following contributors that day is:
Matilda Höög - Rep, 16.03 min
Elise Adamsrod - 22 min.
Helene Sommer - Great Piece of Turf, 25.min
Thyra Dragseth og Marthe Thu - Avlat, 11.17 min
Kaja Leijon - Between girls, 9. min
Andrea Haugerud Hovik - Four Moons, One sun, 14.53 min
ANASTASIA ISACHSEN www.anastasiaisachsen.com
ANDREA HAUGERUD HOVIK www.andreaspirea.com
ANDREA SAND GUSTAVSON https://vimeo.com/user4509370
AURORA GOSSÉ https://vimeo.com/auroragosse
ANNA LEIJONHIELM https://vimeo.com/198396411
CECILIA RIIS KJELDSEN www.ceciliariis.com
CHRISTINE MALNES MATHIESEN http://christinemalnes.no/
ELINA WAAGE MIKALSEN https://vimeo.com/elinawaage
ELISE ADAMSROD www.eliseadamsrod.com
HELENE SOMMER www.helenesommer.net
INGRID KRISTENSEN BJØRNAALI http://ingridkbjornaali.com/
INA TERESE LERNER GREVSTAD www.inalernergrevstad.com/
ISELIN LINDSTAD HAUGE http://iselinlinstadhauge.com/
JANNICKE LÅKER http://www.jannickelaker.com/
JULIA LINDSTRØM https://vimeo.com/julialindstrom
JóHANNA ELLEN https://www.johannaellen.com/
JULIE ANETT SPANGEBU https://vimeo.com/julieanetts
JANNICKE LÅKER www.jannickelaker.com
KAJA LEIJON http://www.kajaleijon.com/
KRISTINE ØKSENDAL http://www.kristineoeksendal.com/
LESIA VASYLCHENKO https://vimeo.com/user16303348/videos
LIV MARI MORTENSEN http://livmarimortensen.com/
LINNEA SYVERSEN https://vimeo.com/user8292570
MARIA GOSSÉ http://www.mariagosse.com/
MATILDA HööG http://matildahoog.com/start/
MIRA WICKMAN www.mirawickman.com
MADELEN ISA LANDGREN http://cargocollective.com/madelenisalindgren
MARTHE THU http://marthethu.no/
SIRI BRÅTVEIT www.vimeo.com/user40715061
THYRA DRAGSETH http://thyradragseth.com/
VILDE ROLFSEN http://vilderolfsen.com/
YENNIE LEE www.yennifilm.com
YAMILE CALDERON http://www.yamilecalderon.com/