Maria Pasenau
My name is End, Bitter End
Fri, Jan 26, 20188:00 PM Thu, Feb 1, 20189:00 PM
I gave here the
Look, she cold not stand it,
I tryd to burn her hed of,
At least her aieballs,
Why could’ent I just be nice as the
Rest in this brown, swetty place,
The world was daying, The world was
daying, skriming fore help, all I culd
Do was drink my energidrink, the drink
You drink in this daying days, it’did not
Help, at least not as good as I imagen,
I imagen how all off this will end,
I’m not alone at least, I have some,
If I dont burn all there heads of,
I will burn mine first,
My look did stand to the
End, Bitter End.
Thats by Maria Pasenau 2017
In the end of twenty seventeen
Curated by Bjørn Hatterud
Maria Pasenau (f. 1994) er utdannet ved Norsk Fotofagskole, jobber som fotoredaktør i Natt & Dag og in house fotograf for «Recens Paper». Hun har deltatt med verk i en mengde utstillinger i Oslo, Bergen og Paris. I 2018 stiller hun blant annet også ut på Nasjonalmuseet for Kunst og Akershus Kunstsenter.